Evan Is One Egg-Ceptional Chef!
Sustainability starts in the soul, grows in the community and shines in the sunlight. Food puns included in this one, join us for a conversation about sowing sustainability seeds in healthy community soil.
Tables of Contents
An illustrated collection of recipes from the home kitchens of 36 of our favorite authors, to benefit FIG (Food Issues Group) emergency food relief efforts in New York!
Our guest this week is Evan Hanczor, a chef at the sustainable breakfast restaurant Egg and the founder of Tables of Contents. TOC brings people together to enjoy a book passage paired with a meal that really brings imagination to life. The new Table of Contents book, coming out the first week of February, collects recipes from incredible authors and pairs them with beautiful illustrations. And if that wasn't enough, proceeds from the book will support FIG, a grassroots collective of food and hospitality workers in New York and beyond.