Creating a Healthier, Happier Space
CEO of the Center for Active Design Joanna Frank on how we can better shape the spaces that shape us.
Center for Active Design
The Center for Active Design is the leading non-profit organization using design to foster healthy and engaged communities. We apply our multi-disciplinary expertise to empower decision makers, providing publications, original research, certification, technical assistance, and digital tools.
What will the world look like when we can return to it? What will we need to change in order to restore the trust on only in the safety and hygiene of our shared spaces, but in each other? In this week’s edition of CONTEXT Lex speaks with CEO and Founder of the Center for Active Design, Joanna Frank, foremost expert in understanding the relationship between our shared spaces and the humans who use them. We dive into how access to outdoor space effects our mental and physical health, what will need to change in the post-covid world, and the small things we can do in our own lives and homes to create a healthier, happier space.