Mimi Turns the Tide: How to Transform Clicks into Climate Dollars with Freetheocean.com
Mimi began her journey as a climate activist at the age of 14, and a decade in she's making serious waves.
Free the Ocean
Free the Ocean’s primary mission is to remove plastic from the ocean. Our approach is based on the idea that small actions, by a large community, can have meaningful impact. Our advertisers make it possible to fund our cause partner, the one’s actually removing the plastic.
Mimi Ausland began her career as a climate activist at the age of 14 with a click-to-give website that landed her on Oprah, Ellen, and the Today Show- and that was just the beginning.
Mimi built and runs the website Freetheocean.com which she's developed into a platform that turns eyeballs into dollars through leveraging sponsorships and advertising. She uses the revenue through advertising to fund charitable organizations removing plastic from our oceans, building a virtual bridge from a 30 second no-cost investment from people who care to real-life dollars for activists on the ground fighting for a sustainable planet.
We dig into how she's using her marketing chops to build an e-commerce portal for plastic free products, what it means to be a gen-z activist, and where she sees Freetheocean.com going in the future.